Monday, May 28, 2012

The Hot Wire

Hot Wire Across Drive way
 So worried that Walker would get out onto our road that is too well traveled,even tho it is a dead end road , I didn't want him to start leaving our yard.

Beings he accidently hit the hot wire around our field where our steers are I figured that would be the best way to keep him in the yard.  Just hang some flags on it and fake him into thinking it was hot would be the tickit.  Well that worked for some time.  Then we did eventually make it hot.

So I continued to put him out and didn't worry.  One day though my friend came walking up the side walk with Walker in tow and she had found him down the road.  So now I was suspecting that he was getting under the one wire that we had made hot but couldn't understand why he wasn't getting shocked.

My only thought was to trick him and catch him in the act.  So I dug out the old shock collar and put it on him the next morning when I put him out to do his business. I  followed him until he was done and just that fast he headed for the wire and under he went.  I pushed the button and he yelped and back he came.
 I had been watching him for a while and I needed to go into the house to do my business and when I came out he was GONE.  Dear me now where did he go?  I was on my way to get the whistle that I use to make him come and there he was in his dog house "POUTING".  I was in a hurry so as not to be late for church so I just left him in there.

When I came home I let him out and took off the collar and he immediately crawled under Craigs tree(that is another Story) and I couldn't coax him out.  Finally with a piece of lunch meat out he came but still not very happy.

I did lots of baby talking to him and then took him for a 2 mile hike on the Cazadero trail and finally he liked me again. 
Today he has been pretty good about not getting too close to the wire while we were out side so I do have my fingers crossed that he got the message loud and clear.

Walker not wanting to get any closer to the wire with the little flags

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wall Paper

Utility Room Wall

Now wouldn't you think after raising 3 boys that I would have learned that when little ones get quiet or a puppy gets quiet I best check on him.

As you can see I didn't and this is what I found.

We have been teaching Walker to "GO TO HIS ROOM" and that is the utility room and he is to be in TIME OUT, sort of.  Anyway one day I sent him to his room and went about my business and then decided I best check on Walker and WOW this is what I found.  He had already done the damage and was sleeping on his back and looked so darn cute I couldn't punish him because I hadn't caught him in the act
We have tried hooking up another hose to the water trough in hopes that he won't chew this one like he did the other two.  That means to me I am not giving him enough attention, you think???

Friday, May 11, 2012

Water Hose & Tiller

Jumping at the tiller.  NOT a good idea

OK so if I can't herd it I can at least look at it.

OK this is fun!!
I seem to be struggling with technology and blogging but here I go again.  Yesterday I tried posting about Healed FacePlant but I am not sure where it went so I will just do this one and get to that another day.  Just like  Scarlet O'hara said in Gone with the Wind.

These photos are just ok but the ones with him playing in the water are really fun.  maybe later I can figure it out.
I am wasting precious sunshine by sitting here so I will close this for now but for sure there will be more to follow.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Faceplant healed

It has now been 2 1/2 weeks since the great Face Plant while walking Walker in the local neighbor hood.  Best part of the entire deal is that my glasses were repaired at NC.  

I did have an old back up pair that I could use but so happy to have the regular ones back.

The sunny  days have really motivated me to work out in the yard for just a couple of hours at a time and finding out that Walker is doing well about not going out of the back yard, even when the hot wire is not hooked up.  If I do bring him out front I put his leash on and hook him to my garden wagon and he seems pretty content.  So far no one has walked by to get him fired up but I am sure that day will come.

Last night he put up  a fuss of barking and ran to where the hot wire is across the drive way, or should have been, and he didn't go past it.  Never did figured out what was out there but I am thinking of setting up the night camera over there tonight and see if we can catch something on camera.  Even if it only Walker barking.  I love that camera.

Beings I couldn't post this yesterday for some unknown reason and I have just found it so I will attempt it again.
Didn't get the camera set up but we did have a first last night.  Walker spent the night with us in our bedroom.  Braxton use too. When he stopped jumping up on the bed that is when I knew something was terribly wrong with him.  I so miss that warm feeling on my feet .  Walker wouldn't settle down on the bed and he kept trying to pull the covers off of me. I was just ready to take him out of the room and he jumped down and stayed on the floor till morning.  He is really getting his own personality and I am really trying to accept him as Walker and not to compare him to Braxton.

Losing Braxton has been more of a trauma that I thought it would be but we did have a history .  For many years there was just Braxton and me.