Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bad Boy Walker

It has been such a long time since I posted anything and that is bad .  A lot has been going on but I just haven't take the time .  I am not sure if I will be able to type after tomorrow, as I will have my right arm in some sort of a sling.

Back on April 20th while walking Walker I took a face plant and put both hands out to catch myself and really messed up my shoulders.  I let it go for a couple of weeks before going to the Dr .  since then I have had physical therapy, 2 sets of injections and finally a MRI!! finally and it showed that I have a torn rotator cuff that requires surgery.  

I am truly looking forward to this time tomorrow and I am hoping that I will be pain free.  Or at least so high I won't know if I have pain.

This has been really uncomfortable for way too long and the nights are the worse.  Without sleep I am not a happy camper.

My post is headed BadBoy Walker, well when he is in his kennel I am sure he gets bored so what better thing to do than dig.  Now that the weather is rainy and getting muddy I thought we had the answer.  Well after laying out some green house ground cover and covering it with chips he decided to dig anyway and he can pull it up with even heavy blocks and stakes holding it down.  He can even move his dog house.  I see that he has chewed it at the opening.

Well tonight I was quite cranky and when I told John that Walker had made another mess of  things I wanted to fix it now and he didn't and I got pissed off , well John went out and fixed it once again, and this time he has run a hot wire around the area and I hope he does try to dig and see what happens. 

We have tried sprinkling cayenne pepper in his run too. He truly doesn't like it but that hasn't worked yet.

No pictures .  I should have taken the before and after.    

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling better now!! how did the surgery go?
