So with the brilliant idea I searched out the house because I knew I had a bell some where in all of my treasures. Sure enough I found it and hung it by the sliding door out to the deck . Perfect spot was from the hanging macrame hanger that I have a beautiful plant.
Naturally the thing to do was when ever I took Walker out the door to go do his business I would take his paw and touch the bell. Doesn't that make sense on how he should learn??
Yes he indeed learned how to ring the bell but not just to go outside. He did it for several reasons. One it made noise, 2 it got my attention and 3 it was something to play with. After some time I was getting irritated with his games and thought this back fired on me. I put the bell up so he couldn't ring it so then he would just push on the planter until it knocked into the wall with a thud! NOW that really upset me. My wall was getting dented and paint getting marked. I gave in and put the bell back down. For some reason it all came together that it was a good idea to ring the bell on his part. If I don't respond right away to his ringing the bell I hear a whining so then I best get the door open.
He loves noises. Empty pop cans that he can pounce on. They make an unusual sound, balls that have squeak to them. Of course I can't forget the ice cubes. He still loves the sound of the ice maker when I get ice water . I certainly want to make him happy so I drop a couple on the floor for him to scoot around and play with before they melt.
Today we made a trip to our local feed store and I asked the owner if it was OK for Walker to come in. Egads! the smells in the feed store were so awesome for him. He was like a kid in a candy store. Yeah Mom lets come here again. I think that was what he was thinking.
After that visit we stopped at the fire station to visit and more fun and people that wanted to pet him and tell him he was so pretty and on and on. His manners were a bit lacking but I think that has something to do with the person on the other end of the leash. Anyway it gave me more courage to take him places and get him socialized. What a day.
Dennis and Abby trained their dogs to ring a bell. It has worked perfectly for that. I am not sure how they got them not to ring it inappropriately, but they only ring it when they need to go out. He also had a clicker that he would click as discipline and those dogs knew when they heard it that they better knock it off...whatever it is they were doing.