Monday, April 16, 2012

Facination with Kleenx

No matter how hard I try Walker can find a piece of Kleenex and begin his ritual of tearing and shredding it to pieces in just  matter of a few seconds, or at least until I come upon him and his escapade.

Thinking I had it all covered, I removed the waste paper basket that I keep by my make up table, where I would put my used Kleenex and little things like that.

Well today I found him by my side of the bed well hidden from view and he had several full Kleenex.  Not sure where he even go them but I sure ruined his fun in a Minnesota minute, by grabbing his sweet little face and ripping it out of his mouth.

Kleenex is easy to deal with but garden hoses.  There has been a garden hose laying from the outdoor faucet to the water trough since Walker came to live here in September and it has been just fine.
One day last week I noticed it had a leak in it and was spraying a small stream out onto the grass.  No big deal I thought, but as I looked closer I could see it was just one of a few little teeth marks that had bitten through the hose.  That is easy to fix.  Just get a new end and redo the hose because it was close to an end.  Problem solved I figured.  Now all that I had to wait for was John( hubby) to decide he could take the time to fix it.

A couple of days later I looked out the window and low and behold there were 3 sections of hose that had been chewed apart from the main hose.  When he did that I am not sure.

I had hurt my neck and back and had been out of commission for a couple of days and had not taken him on any walks or any time to work him.

Truly I know he was bored and he decided to just show me.  If you don't pay attention to me I will fix it so you do.

The digging seems to be still one of his things that are most fun like the Honeysuckle plant.  I found over hidden behind the greenhouse a hole and he had dug up a Money plant.  No big deal it never yields money like it's name sake, but it is fun to watch in the summer as it changes from purple flowers to little discs like coins.  SO I fixed Walker.  I filled in the hole and went around the yard and found several piles of his "doggie doo" and placed it on top of the hole.  I will keep you posted on  that plan.

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