Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ice Cubes

What I thought was such a cute thing has turned into something that has created a nuisance, that is for sure, but one that I sort of enjoy providing I am in a happy good mood.  With a puppy under foot that is not always the case.

How it all started was when I went to the frig to get some ice for my water  and I dropped a couple of cubes on the floor.  Walker was so happy and playful and he scooted them around the kitchen floor with joy and much noise, which he seems to love is lots of noise.  Now whenever I go near the ice maker his ears perk up and he looks eagerly up and wants some, not just one but it goes on and on as long as I will give them to him.  He has also discovered when I pick up a certain mug from the counter that means ICE.  It is cute to watch him play with the ice.  He doesn't leave them long before he eats them.

When I was working as a dental assistant that was one of the things that brought folks into the dentist was a broken tooth from someone crunching on ice cubes.  Then most times that meant they needed a crown put on their tooth, which was always quite an expense.  Now does that mean I will have to take Walker to get a crown on his tooth.  That would be the day!!!

This week Walker is experiencing quite an irritation to him.  Story will follow on that one.

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