Sunday, February 26, 2012


One day it was bound to happen but I still wasn't ready for it..  YUK YUKKY STINKY!!!

Not sure where Walker was but after our after noon walk in Timber Park, doing our training and walking and getting both of us frustrated, Walker needed some alone time with out Mom.  He sat in the house a bit pouting and then decided he wanted out the door.  I obliged him accordingly but when he came back he had that dreadful smell all over in his beautiful white hair that is so beautiful under his chin.

I finished my dinner sort of gagging and thinking what and how will I get that smell off of him???

With the kitchen all clean and dishes away I decided I would try the kitchen sink.  Times like this, how I wish I had a laundry tub.  To my surprise Walker just stood in the sink and didn't do too much snooping for things in the window sill, so I suds him all up and took the spray hose and got him rinsed off and looking beautiful again.  Now lifting him up and out was another task that had me in distress but it went so well I couldn't believe it until  you know what----he started to shake and there was water everywhere in the kitchen.  That is what towels are for right????

Truly I think he is happier too now that he doesn't stink, as he is full of energy and wants to play.  Just another day with my every so energetic Walker.

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