Tuesday, April 3, 2012

No Diploma

Last class tonight at puppy class. The disappointment was overwhelming.  Not just for Walker and me but for all of the other class matesWe all had a good report from our trainer saying "Good Job and Well Done" but not diploma to hang on our kennel wall.

Speaking for myself I was the most relaxed I have been in class all these weeks.  Not sure why, but I suspect beings my husband wasn't there watching, with the critizing eye that he usually has could have been some of the cause of my being so tense at previous classes.  

You know I have to blame someone and beings John wasn't there he was my target of blame.  What ever the reason I felt I did better or I should say I had confidence.  The trainer even complimented me and no more probation.  So  I consider that a good night.
Walker does get bored when we have to sit and watch the others go through their paces so a couple of times he started to act up so finally I have learned to just walk him around and have him re sit and that seems to work.

I was so proud of his sit and stay tonight in class ,over and over. It was like my child getting an A for good behaviour in school, but in reality I guess that is what it was.  

Walker is like my kid, now that all my boys are grown and left the nest. One of the  greatest thing having a dog instead of a child  is when he really gets on my nerves I can put him in his kennel and close the door.  For some reason child services wouldn't look kindly on me locking my sons in a kennel .

Now that  I bragged about him I need to tell on him.  Late this after noon there was knock on the door and the neighbor from up the road was on my front porch with his dog on his leash with Walker bouncing off the wall with excitement to have a friend to play with.  Problem with that was Walker had escaped from the back yard through the hot wire that we had across the drive way.  In all reality the wire was fake.  It didn't have a charge to it but I had put the red flags on a wire and Walker thought it was fake until today.

So tomorrow guess what is going to be done?? You got it.  There will be a charge hooked up and I think it will only take once and he will see that it is really really not a good idea to go running through it.

I breaks my heart when he gets bit by the hot wire but I would rather that than have him hit by a car.

My desire for Walker is to really be obedient and then I will think about some further training. The trainer enforced that is so important so now it is my job to be sure and work him everyday.  He will only be as good as I am in training him and to show him I AM THE ALFA one.
He has some temper tantrums sometimes. Those drive me nuts and I lose my cool, not so unlike in the days raising 3 little boys that could really test me.

Walker loves to jump so I would like to see him be a flyer and go after a Frisbee like on TV.  So whose job it?? You got it, ME.

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